Monday, June 18, 2012

Finish your plate

This weekend, Kevin and I were able to squeeze in about 20 minutes of garage saling. It was more than worth that little time. We found the following items for a total of $7.

A chalkboard with hooks- perfect for writing notes and keeping your keys in one spot!

Three small white shelves. (Not sure where to put these...We'll probably decide after we move- more about that later).

Two cupboard shelves.
Remember how I talked about these cupboard shelves as one of our favorite kitchen products in a previous post? I am so excited we stumbled upon some while we were out. It's an inexpensive, easy to install item that can make a huge difference.

When we came home I got right to work using them to increase the space in our kitchen cabinet where we keep our plates.

This is what it looked like before...

Notice all the wasted space below! And to fit it all in the upper cabinet, our fine china had to be stacked, which is not only precarious, but makes getting to the bottom plates or bowls a major pain!

Now no grouping of items has to be stacked on top of another type of bowl or plate. Everything has its own spot, so getting to everything (and more importantly, putting everything AWAY) is so much easier. Because so much was able to be moved down, another set of cupboard shelves could enable us to store another shelf-worth of kitchen items!

As always, visit our website and click on the Request a Consultation button to get started!

-Tiffany Pope


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